
Sometimes only a classic sundae with topping will do, and Wendy's Milk Bar is the place to be when that craving hits! Create your own SupaSundae by choosing your favourite toppings from our delicious range. Add a Flake for an extra chocolate hit or even a shot of coffee if an Affogato is more your style.


Our Primary Goal is to provide accurate information on all ingredients served at Wendy’s Milk Bar. Whilst we take extreme care to minimise the risk of cross contamination, it is a possibility during production and / or preparation of food. Both ‘contains’ and ‘may contain’ mean that if you are sensitive to the specific allergen(s), you should avoid the product. We do encourage you to have Wendy’s Milk Bar on your “go to” list, we do everything that we can to assist you to navigate our products safely. If you do choose to eat at Wendy’s Milk Bar, please ask our staff for advice, read the Product Specification / Allergen declaration information provided and most importantly take care. Consumers concerned with food allergies need to be aware of the risks. If you are particularly worried or highly allergic to certain food products, Wendy’s Milk Bar’s suggestion would be that you do not consume our products.

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